Lectures and Professors of the Program
20 tháng 7, 2018Lectures and Professors of the Program
Assoc.Prof.Dr. BUI THE DOI - Expertise: Forest Ecology and Silviculture - Email: buithedoi@gmail.com or doibt@vnuf.edu.vn - Phd from Colorado state university. - CV | |
Assoc.Prof.Dr. TRAN QUANG BAO - Expertise: Watershed Management, Forest Ecology, Remote Sensing & GIS Application in Natural Resource, Forest and Climate Change. - Email: baotq@vnuf.edu.vn - Phd from Colorado state university. - CV | |
Dr. BUI MANH HUNG - Expertise: Data analysis, forest inventory, forest growth and structure, - Email: hungbm@vnuf.edu.vn - PhD from Dresden University of Technology, Dresden, Germany. - CV | |
Assoc.Prof.Dr. BUI XUAN DUNG - Expertise: Environmental management - Email: Buixuandungfuv@gmail.com - Ph.D. from Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology - CV | |
Prof.Dr. HOANG VAN SAM - Expertise: Plant taxonomy; National parks management; Plant diversity and conservation, biodiversity conservation; Non timber forest products; local people and forest resources. - Email: samhv@vnuf.edu.vn - PhD from Leiden University, the Netherlands. - CV | |
| Dr. CAO THI THU HIEN - Expertise: Biometrics, Forest Inventory, Forest dynamics. - Email: caohien7983@gmail.com - Ph.D from The University of Göttingen, Germany. - CV
Assoc.Prof.Dr. DO ANH TUAN - Expertise: - Email: dotuan71@yahoo.com - CV | |
Assoc.Prof.Dr. DONG THANH HAI - Expertise: Biodiversity conservation; Wildlife Management and Conservation ;Conservation Education and Outreach; Community based management; Protected area planning; Protected area Management; Animal behavior and ecology research. - Email: donghaifuv@gmail.com - Ph.D from The Australian National University. - CV | |
. Assoc.Prof.Dr. LE XUAN PHUONG - Expertise: Wood science and technology, Wood composites, Wood identification, Cleaner production. - Email: phuonglx@vnuf.edu.vn - Ph.D from The University of Tokyo, Japan. - CV | |
Assoc.Prof.Dr. LE XUAN TRUONG - Expertise: Forest Ecology, Silviculture, REDD+, Rural development, and Natural Resources Management. - Email: truongvfu@gmail.com - Ph.D from Colorado State University. - CV | |
Assoc.Prof.Dr. NGUYEN HAI HOA - Expertise: Geography, Environmental Management. - Email: nguyenhaihoa2013fuv@gmail.com - Ph.D from The University of Queensland, Australia. - CV | |
Dr. NGUYEN HONG HAI - Expertise: Forest ecology, forest dynamics, spatial statistics, Spatial Point Pattern Analysis applied in Plant ecology. - Email: Nguyenhonghai1974@yahoo.com - Ph.D from The University of Göttingen, Germany. - CV | |
Assoc.Prof.Dr. PHAM MINH TOAI - Expertise: Forest Ecology, Tropical Silviculture and Forestation, Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Certification - Email: toaifuv@gmail.com - Ph.D from Georg-August University of Goettingen, Germany. - CV | |
Assoc.Prof.Dr. VU QUANG NAM - Expertise: General Biology, Plant Morphology & Anatomy, Botany, Plant Txonomy. - Email: namvq1975@gmail.com - Ph.D at the South China Botanical Garden, CAS (GUCAS). - CV | |
Assoc.Prof.Dr. VU TIEN THINH - Expertise: biodiversity monitoring, introduction to biostatistics, wildlife identification, conservation biology, wildlife management - Email: vutienthinh@hotmail.com - Ph.D from Colorado State University, USA. - CV | |
Dr. TRAN BINH DA - Expertise: Agronomy, Farming systems, and Agroforestry Model & Landscape Analysis; Plant nursery and Cutting propagation; Analysis of the temporal and spatial interactions of plant species, animal species; Carbon sequestration; mitigation and adaptation to climate change; and Wetlands ecosystems. - Email: tranbinhda@gmail.com - Ph.D. from the University of Queensland, Australia. - CV | |
Dr. TRAN VIET HA - Expertise: Forest Ecology; Tropical Silviculture; Sustainable Forest Management; Land use planning; Rural development and planning - Email: viethavfu@gmail.com - Ph.D from Georg-August University of Goettingen, Germany. - CV | |
Dr. NGUYEN VAN THANG - Expertise: History of Philosophy; Leninism - Marxist philosophy; Knowledge economy; Private economy; The basic points in the Socialist-oriented market economy in Vietnam … - Email: thangvfu@gmail.com - Ph.D from Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences. - CV | |
Dr. PHI DANG SON - Expertise: Impacts of land use/land use changes on runoff and erosion; Contaminated land and remediation; Water resources - Email: sonpd@vfu.edu.au - Doctor of Philosophy from The University of Queensland, Australia. - CV | |
Assoc.Prof.Dr. HA VAN HUAN - Expertise: Gene technology; Molecular biology; Application of Biotechnology for Agriculture and Forestry - Email: hvhuanbiotech@gmail.com - Ph.D fromEast China University of Science and Technology (ECUST), Shanghai, P.R. China. - CV | |
Assoc.Prof.Dr. TRAN THI THU HA - Expertise: Forest policy and economics; Environmental governance; Public relations in natural resource management - Email: hattt@vnuf.edu.vn - PhD from Wageningen University (WUR), the Netherlands. - CV | |
Dr. KHUONG THI THU HUONG - Expertise: Plant physiology - Email: thuhuong.khuong@gmail.com - Ph.D from Aix Marseille University. - CV | |
Dr. NGUYEN THI THANH AN - Expertise: Forest Inventory and Planning, biometrics, rural development planning, natural resource management; community and protected areas - Email: thanhanfuv@yahoo.com - Ph.D The University of Queensland – Australia. - CV |