Welcome to Vietnam National University of Forestry. This page provides you some hints and contact persons that will hopefully support you in your learning process at VNUF.
| Academic Information Enrollment, exams, graduation, training programs and more. * Undergraduate: Academic Affairs Asso.Prof.Dr. Pham Minh Toai (Director) Email: toaifuv@gmail.com or toaipm@vnuf.edu.vn * Postgraduate: Postgradute Training Department Assoc.Prof. Vu Tien Thinh (Vice Director) Email: vutien_thinh2002@yahoo.com |
| International Student and Exchange Student Events, support, exchange programs, tools, forms, guidelines and more. International Cooperation Department Assoc.Prof.Dr. Le Xuan Phuong (Vice Director) Email: phuonglx@vnuf.edu.vn |
| Student Life Notices, clubs, sports, student associations, entertainment, transport and more. Student Affairs Mr. Nguyen Duy Vuong President of VNUF Student Associations Email: duyvuong26@gmail.com |
| Fees and Money Matters Fees, student loans and allowances, budgeting advice, and support for student in hardship Financial and Accounting Department Mr. Dao Duy Phuong (Director) Email: daoduyphuong80@gmail.com |
| Clinic of VNUF Phone: 0433 840 713 Dr. Do Huy Khanh (Head) Mobile: 0988 702 265 |